Seabridge Insurance works for many years in the area of Carriage of Goods, offering insurance cover on direct damages to the goods carried by sea, river, air or land (lorry, rail and post) according to the following clauses:
- Institute Cargo Clauses (A, B and C) used by international market particularly “All Risks” and “Warehouse to Warehouse” insurance covers with specific extension for different types of goods and transports
- “Full Risk” or “Basic Risk” Italian Clauses used as an alternative to the over mentioned English clauses
Forwarding/shipping agents, carriers and terminal, as well as industries and import-export houses, are our main customers to whom we provide whole assistance through liability insurance covers:
- Carrier’s liability for carriage of goods by lorry (RCV policy)
- Liability of forwarding/shipping agent and of multimodal transport operator (M.T.O. Liability Cover)
- Operator’s liability (both of harbour and inland terminals)
Our accurate search of necessary insurance covers is also supported by a fast issuance of documents and by a constant control of the claim acquisition and settlement.Besides, we provide the following supplementary covers:
- Contingencies (Buyer’s and Seller’s Interests)
- Difference in Conditions / Different in Limits (DIC/DIL)
- Guaranteed Otturn for Bulk Liquids and Cargoes
- Contamination of Food and Beverage
- Terrosrism and Political Risk
- War and Strikes Risk
- Charterers Liability
- Marine Consequential Loss (“Loss of Profit” and “Advanced Loss of Profit” owing to damages occurred during carriage).