The “All Risks” cover assures our customers a coverage against risks regarding total loss or a particular damage that are caused accidentally by each event happened to the boat, to its equipments, motors, instruments, pieces of furniture and to the service boat, including:
- Negligence and vandalic act
- Damages caused by hidden defect (defective part excepted)
- Personal belongings
- Partial theft of equipments (on board or on dry land, as long as they are kept in locked rooms), theft of the outboard motor fixed at the boat, if it provided with antitheft device, theft of the service boat, if it is distinguished from the name of the mother boat
- Total theftWaiver of recourse towards the shipyard in case of fire only
- Risks of war and sociopolitical events
- Charges relevant to rescue, removal, demolition of the wreck and bottom survey after running aground
- Measures taken against pollution owing to loss or to boat damages
Particular conditions:
- Insurance cover for sails, masts, boom, swinging boom, standing and running riggings during competitions up to two thirds of the changing cost
- Extended coverage to the engine damages
- Possibility to extend navigation beyond the established limits
- Boat with skilled crew affreightment
- Insurance cover for sails, masts, boom, swinging boom, standing and running riggings during competitions up to two thirds of the changing cost
- Extended coverage to the engine damages
- Possibility to extend navigation beyond the established limits
- Boat with skilled crew affreightment
We must also point out the proposals relevant to accident coverage for crew members.